Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why even bother, you say. Well let me tell you... Top 10 Reasons to Eat Right and Exercise

Need a good reason or some motivation to living a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercising?  I'll give you 10!  And no, none of them are:  To look hot in a bikini.....  that's just an added bonus.

  1. Strengthens bones and muscles.  Let's just start with the obvious.  Getting the nutrients your body needs and regular exercise will make your body work the way its supposed to work.  You will have the strength and ability to do daily activities, such as your job, house work, play with your kids, etc.,  as well as extra curricular activities you may want to do like hiking, kayaking, or even bowling.  Not only will you be more able to any activity, you will be able to do it with ease, without the aches and pains, and much less likely to get injured.
  2. Improved Energy.  So, not only will you be able to do more, you'll have the energy to do it.  When you eat simple carbohydrates (Junk Food:  candy bars, cookies, pastries, pop, etc.) you loose energy due to their fast digestion which leaves you feeling sluggish and drained.  However, complex carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.) are slowly digested, taking longer to break down, meaning they give you more energy for longer.  Plus, physical activity  helps deliver oxygen and nutrients which helps the cardiovascular system work more efficiently, thus giving you more energy. 
  3. Improved Mood.  Physical activity stimulates brain activity that makes you feel happy.  Exercise increases hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine which make you feel good and can even help lessen stress and depression.  And again, with that added bonus of getting into shape, self esteem gets raised and can even give you empowerment and a greater since of self.
  4. Improved Sleep.  Healthier eating habits creates regular eating schedules and decreases the amounts of sugars in daily diets helping regular sleeping patterns.  Exercise also promotes better sleep, though exercising right before bed could get you wound up for a while or it could wear you out and be a great sleep aid, so see what works for you.
  5. Improved Skin.  Eating healthy, getting the proper nutrients, and drinking plenty of water hydrates the skin, gives it a healthy glow and can keep it young and radiant. 
  6. Improved Sex Life.  With all this energy, better mood and self esteem, you may be getting in the mood more frequently.   Regular physical activity equals enhanced arousal in women, as well as less cases of erectile dysfunction in men.
  7. Helps weight maintenance.  Healthy lifestyles help you to loose or gain weight to reach a healthy body weight and maintain that weight for optimal health.
  8. Keeps you Healthy.  Good eating habits and regular exercise improves and strengthens your immune system so it's better equipped to fight against the common cold or flu viruses, as well as reduces headaches, some arthritis, and other common aches and pains.
  9. Helps Manage Chronic Conditions.  Regular physical activity and healthy eating habits have been proven to lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, relieve certain forms of depression, decrease pain from fibromyalgia, and control certain types of asthma. 
  10. Helps Prevent Disease.  Ending with the most important one of all.  Studies show that eating right and regular exercise significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes - some of the leading killers in our nation, especially this region.  It can also help prevent certain types of cancer, depression, arthritis and possibly Alzheimer's. 

Living a Healthy Lifestyle Helps you Live Longer, Happier Lives

Do it for yourself, do it for your children, do it for the people who love you and be an example for those you love.  It's not about vanity.  It's about taking care of yourself, taking control of yourself, and giving yourself the best odds for survival and happiness.  So MAKE YOURSELF!!

Mayo Clinic

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