Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 12 Week Challenge

It's that time of year again - Challenge Time!!!

Anyone looking to make that huge lifestyle change to living a healthier life and getting in great shape?  Taking on a fitness challenge is a great way to do it!

As most of you know I made a huge transformation with my body and my life last year with Dymatize Nutrition and Bodybuilding.com's 12 week challenge, and have been able to keep up and maintain a healthy lifestyle since.  I'm going to do the challenge again this year, with my husband, and I encourage anyone who wants to make a change or even just improve to join us.

A little about the Dymatize 12 week challenge:

  • You must register and sing up through Bodybuilding.com NOW.
  • Challenge doesn't officially start until January 13th.
  • You will need to take before photos at the beginning of the challenge (see site for details).
  • You can follow any program you want throughout the challenge.  There are numerous programs on Bodybuilding .com to follow as well as other sites on the internet.  Two of my personal favorites are Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer and Gina Allioti's daily workouts.  You could find a trainer to assist in a program, or do your homework and make up a program that works for you.  I personally don't follow any specific program, mostly because a lot of them are meant for use at the gym with a variety of gym equipment which I don't have.  I make my own programs to accommodate what I have to use and for how I want to train my body.
  • Bodybuilding.com will send you weekly motivational emails and even fun little challenges throughout the 12 weeks, as well as provide a social media site to interact with others doing the same thing.
  • Challenge is officially over April 7th; take final pictures.
This challenge is free to enter, provides tons of information about health and fitness, and has some awesome cash prizes - there's really no downfall here!

Now I know that some of you are probably already getting sweating palms from just the idea of putting a 'before' pic of yourself on the internet in a bikini.  It is not for humiliation, but for motivation.  It will motivate you to work hard so that in every pic you take you will be stronger and see healthier changes, and it might be the pic that one  person needs to see to motivate them to make a change as well.

And if you still feel like this kind of challenge isn't really your style but still want to make a transformation, I urge you to do your own 12 week challenge.  You can follow along here or find another great one out there.  If taking control of your health is something that is really important to you, you need to MAKE YOURSELF get up and fight for that control and challenge yourself!

I'm going to be posting my workout programs and some of my meal planning throughout the challenge as well as progress pics for anyone to follow.  You may follow along with my program (slightly advanced) or use one of my previous programs.  I will also (try to) post videos of my workouts to show how the moves are done and modifications.

I would love to hear back from you guys about your own transformations too!!

**I must state again that I am NOT a personal trainer.  I have done a tremendous amount of reading and studying on various topics of health and fitness and have experimented with many different styles and approaches myself.  This is what works for me.  I cannot say what is exactly right for everyone, but I can definitely say that something is better than nothing!!

**Before beginning any workout routine I must suggest that you consult a physician or complete the PAR-Q form at www.csep.ca/forms

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