Thursday, April 25, 2013

Get Moving

I read an article in a popular fitness magazine about half way through my 12 week transformation challenge that gave me the biggest motivation and drive to push as hard as I can and finish strong.  While I read this piece, my blood started to boil and I got so darn angry I wanted to punch something.

It was about getting the best out of your workouts for your best health.  Their advice was to spare no expense when it came to exercise;  pay more for the better gym, make sure you have a trainer, buy the best shoes and gear, and get top of the line everything.

Maybe I just read this on a bad day but it made me think; if I was someone who was just trying to get into fitness, but had limited means of getting there, I would have probably just sat back down on the couch and picked up a box of cookies because I couldn't afford any of that stuff the fitness magazine said I needed. It made me feel like they were saying all my efforts were futile because they were low grade.  *Granted, it did not say that these were the only ways to get fit or healthy, but suggested that you need them. 

Not everybody can afford a gym membership, much more a trainer.  And have you been to an athletic retailer lately?  These prices are outrageous.

Now I'm sure that with these high fluting items you may be able to achieve better results in some areas, but I found and became determined to show everyone, that it doesn't matter what you have or use, CONSISTENCY, DETERMINATION, and DISCIPLINE will give you the results you want.

Treadmill from Walmart - $350
Several Sets of Dumbbells - $70
Exercise Bench - $45
Yoga Mat - $5
Exercise Ball - $8
Bands - $10
Jump Rope - $10
Shoes - found on Amazon $60
Workout Gear - mostly from TJ Maxx (discounted prices!)
Bought throughout the years as routines and fitness levels change.

The satisfaction of my transformation completion and proving someone wrong - PRICELESS

Don't let your limited means be an excuse for not being able to workout.  There is always SOMETHING you can do.

You don't have to do my workouts, I know I was somewhat ambitious on them, but hey I was trying to will a challenge and prove someone wrong.  There are sooo many things you can do to get moving that will greatly improve your health and fitness.

Great ways to get moving:
  1. If you can join a gym, join a gym. - Get a tour and let someone explain where and what everything is.  Do some research and make sure you know what you're doing and doing it properly before beginning. 
  2. Find a class. - Zumba, Yoga, CrossFit, Piloxing, etc. 
  3. Walk/Jog outdoors - it's finally pretty out so get out there.  Find a track nearby or just go out around your house.  Throw the kids in a stroller, put the dog on the leash and drag the whole family along!
  4. Jump Rope - the perfect cardio for small time and spaces.  'Fake' jump roping also works.
  5. Exercise DVD's - you can pick these up at Walmart for $5-$10.  Find something you love.  Doesn't matter if it's one of Jillian Micheal's newest DVD's or a 10 year old Tao Bo.  *For strength training I recommend Jacky Warner, great for getting toned!
  6. Build a Home Gym - find some equipment and make a routine that you can do in your living room.  (Check out some of my workout routines.)
*Yard Sale season!!  Best time and place to find cheap workout equipment.  I lost 20lbs last year on an 18 year old treadmill that was a dust holder in a barn for the past 5-10 years that we got for $40.  Doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just needs to work.

       7.  Get Creative - make a routine that works for you, with what you've got.  If you live where
            there are stairs, get in some awesome cardio by going up and down.  If you take your kids to
            the park everyday, make you a small routine while watching them and bust out some squats or
            pull-ups on the monkey bars.  There are plenty of workouts that use your own body weight
            that don't require any extra equipment and ways to modify certain moves safely so you can
            perform them with what you have. 

There are many more possibilities that you can do to exercise.  The point is:  find something and get moving.  Make sure it's something you enjoy so you'll want to do it, and be consistent. 

And remember not to let anyone make you think you're efforts, despite how fast or slow your results might be, are useless.  You are making a point to better yourself and your health and that's never useless.  Anything is better than sitting on the couch!!  MAKE YOURSELF!!

Resources:, Muscle&Fitness Hers.

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