
Cardio Program:
Variation and intensity is key.  Start off at whatever pace you feel comfortable with and increase the intensity a little each time.

Monday - HIIT  30-45 minutes
               - Start with a 5 minute warm up
               - Sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 60 seconds. (play with the speeds to see what you are
                  comfortable with;  I started with 8mph : 4mph).  As you increase endurance and intensity
                  try sprinting for 60 seconds, walk 60 seconds, gradually increasing speeds and even
                  adding inclines.
               - Repeat intervals for 20-30 minutes.  (or however long you can, remember something is
                 better than nothing.  Just always be pushing yourself)
               - Finish with a 5 minute cool down.

Tuesday - Jogging 30-60 minutes
              - Start with 5 minute warm up
              - Jog at a moderate pace 20-50 minutes
              - Finish with a 5 minute cool down.

Wednesday - Inclines 37 minutes
                   - Start with a 3 minute warm up
                   - Walk at a 3.5-4.0 mph pace and increase Incline 1% every 3 minutes until at 10%.
                   - Finish with a 4 minute cool down (without incline)
                   * As you progress increase speeds and/or increase every 4 or 5 minutes until at 10%.

Thursday - Jogging 30-60 minutes
                  - Start with 5 minute warm up
                  - Jog at a moderate pace 20-50 minutes
                  - Finish with a 5 minute cool down.

Friday - HIIT 30-45 minutes
             - Start with a 5 minute warm up
             - Sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 60 seconds. (play with the speeds to see what you are
                comfortable with; I started with 8mph : 4mph). As you increase endurance and intensity
                try sprinting for 60 seconds, walk 60 seconds, gradually increasing speeds and even
                adding inclines.
              - Repeat intervals for 20-30 minutes. (or however long you can, remember something is
                better than nothing. Just always be pushing yourself)
              - Finish with a 5 minute cool down.

Saturday - Light Cardio or Zumba

Program 1:

Circuit Training - Great Workout for Endurance, Strength, and Weight Loss
(perform 1 set of each exercise then rest for about a minute. repeat 2 more times)

Monday - Upper Body Circuit:
Set 1:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press                               20
Dumbbell Front and Lateral Shoulder Raise  15
Dumbbell Upright Rows                                 20
Hyper extensions with Rear Delt Raise          15
Crunches                                                      25-30

Set 2:
Dumbbell Bent Over Rows                            20
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows                          15
Dumbbell Push-Ups with Rows                     20
Full Sit-Ups                                                  25-30

Set 3:
Lying Tricep Extensions                               20
Dumbbell Bicep Curls                                   20
Pull Downs (using bands)                             20
Reverse Grip Chin-Ups (can use bands)       20
Planks                                                        1 minute

Wednesday - Lower Body Circuit:
Set 1:
Weighted Squats                                          20
Split Squats                                               15 each leg
Dumbbell Step-Ups with Kickbacks        15 each leg
Leg Raises                                                 25-30

Set 2:
Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts                  20
Lying Hamstring Curls with Dumbbells        20
Reverse Hyper extensions                             20
Bicycle Crunches                                        25-30

Set 3:
Jump Lunges                                          20 each leg
Static Speed Skaters                               20 each leg
Plyo Speed Skaters                                15 each leg
Vertical Scissors                                       25-30

Friday - Full Body Circuit:
Set 1:
Weighted Squats                                           20
Dumbbell Step-Ups with Kickbacks        15 each leg
Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts                 20
Jump Lunges                                            20 each leg
Reverse Crunch                                            25-30

Set 2:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press                             20
Dumbbell Bent Over Rows                          20
Push Ups                                                       20
Dumbbell Bicep Curls                                  20
Butterfly Crunches                                     25-30

Set 3:
Plyo Speed Skaters                                15 each leg
Weighted Sumo Squats                              20
Static Speed Skaters                              20 each leg
One Arm/One Leg V-Ups                        25-30

Program 2:

Split Muscle Training with Circuits and Super Sets - A bit more intense for building strength and weight loss.
(perform 1 set of each exercise then rest for about a minute. repeat 2-3 more times)

Monday - Legs
Set 1:
Weighted Squats                                          20
Bench Step-Ups with High Knee            15 each leg
Split Squats                                             15 each leg
Straight Legged Deadlift                             20
Stability Ball Single Leg Curl                 15 each leg

Set 2:
Weighted Sumo Squat                                 20
Calf Raise                                                    20
Weighted Reverse Lunge                        15 each leg
Curtsy Squat                                            15 each leg
Bench Butt Bridge                                       20

Tuesday - Back & Biceps
Set 1:
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs (bands)             20
Standing Bicep Curls                               20 each arm
One Arm Dumbbell Row                         15 each arm

Set 2:
Underhand Cable Pull Down                       20
Hammer Curls                                              20
Seated Back Flys                                          15

Set 3:
Standard Pull Down (bands)                       20
Concentration Curls                                20 each arm
Bent Over Bumbbell Row                          20
Hyperextensions                                         15

Wednesday - Chest & Abs
Set 1:
Dumbbell Flys                                             20
Dumbbell Bench Press                                20

Set 2:
Push-Ups                                                     20
Incline Bench Press                                     20

Set 3:
Ball Crunches                                             25
Sit-Ups                                                        25
Bicycle Crunches                                        30
Leg Lifts                                                     25

Set 4:
Butterfly Crunches                                     25
Hand-Off Crunches with Ball                    20
Vertical Scissors                                        20
Plank                                                      1 minute

Thursday - Shoulds & Triceps
Set 1:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press                          20
Chair Dips                                                 15
Standing Lateral Raises                          15-20

Set 2:
Upright Row                                            20
Skull Crushers                                         20
Standing Front Raise                               15

Set 3:
Dumbbell Bent Over Flys                     15-20
Lawn Mowers with Kickbacks            15 each arm
Single Arm Alternating Later Raise    15 each arm

Friday - Plyo/Lower Body & Core
Set 1:
Walking Lunges with Kickbacks         15 each leg
Jump Squats                                              20
Super Skaters                                        15 each leg

Set 2:
Jump Lunges                                       15-20 each leg
Wall Squats                                           1 minute
Static Speed Skaters                               20 each leg

Set 3:
'Zuzka's Tight In 10' - perform as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
Burpee's                                                      5
Reptiles on Chair                                       20
Side Hops Over Dumbbell                         20
Planks with Dumbbell Pull                        10

Program 3:

Split Muscle Training with Straight Sets, Super Sets, and Circuits with Heavier Weights - Even more intense and lengthy for really leaning out and toning muscle, gaining strength. This one also has more focus on lower body and abs (my most troublesome areas).
(perform each set then rest for 45-60 seconds. repeat 2-3 more times)

Monday - Legs & Abs
Straight Sets:
Walking Lunges with Kickback            12 each leg
Super Set:
Weighted Squats                                    12-15
Straight Legged Deadlift                        12-15
Straight Set:
Weighted Sumo Squats                         12-15
Step-Ups with High Knee                     12 each leg
Split Squats                                           12-15
Weighted Butt Bridge                           15
Ball Crunches                                        20
Leg Raise Holding Weight                   15
Weighted Sit-Ups                                 15
Scissor Kicks                                        20

Tuesday - Chest & Back
Straight Sets:
Dumbbell Fly                                      12-15
Incline Press                                        12-15
Incline Fly                                           12-15
Dumbbell Press                                   12-15
Wide Grip Pull Down                           15
Bent Over Row                                   12-15
One Arm Row                                     12-15 each arm
Underhand Pull Down                           15
Seated Fly                                           12-15
Standard Pull Down                               15
Hyper Extensions (weighted)              12-15

Wednesday - Plyo & Core
Circuit 1:
Jump Squats                                       20
Burpees                                              5
Jump Lunges                                     12 each leg
Mountain Climbers                           40 Seconds
Super Skaters                                    60 Seconds
Circuit 2:
Superman/ Bananas                          60 Seconds
Medicine Ball/Dumbbell Twists      40 Seconds
Steam Engines                                  60 Seconds
Angry Punches                                 45 Seconds
'Love Handle Crunch'                       45 Seconds

Thursday - Shoulders, Triceps, & Biceps
Straight Sets:
Seated Dumbbell Press                      12-15
Standing Lateral Raises                     10-12
Upright Rows                                    12-15
Standing Front Raise                         10-12
Rear Delt Raise                                 10-12
Standing Alternating Overhead Press  10-12
Rear Delt Cable Rows (bands)          12-15
Hammer Curls                                   12-15
Tricep Push Downs (bands)               15
Incline Dumbell Curls                      12-15
Skull Crusher                                    12-15
Cross Body Curls                             12-15
Chair Dips                                        12-15
Straight Set:
One Arm Dummbell Curls              12-15

Friday - Legs & Abs
Straight Set:
Single Leg Butt Bridge                    15 each leg
Weighted Reverse Lunge                12-15 each leg
Weighted Diagonal Step Ups          12-15 each leg
Single Leg Deadlifts                        12-15 each leg
Cable Kickbacks (bands)                12-15 each leg
Cable Side Kicks (bands)                12-15 each leg
Reverse Crunch                               20
Bicycle Crunches                            15 each leg
V-Ups                                              20
Plank                                               60 seconds
Side Plank                                       30 seconds each side

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