Monday, April 15, 2013

Make Yourself

I made a resolution January 2012 that I was going to get in better shape and run a race.  I bought a Nike shirt to workout in and for my race (because all women know we are way more likely to do something with the right clothes).  The shirt simply said, "MAKE YOUR SELF."  I loved it, it was perfect motivation for what I needed.  No one else was going to make me, I had to make myself and it was up to me to not only make myself do it, but to ultimately decide what I was going to make myself into.  This little phrase has given me motivation, inspiration, and strength to completely transform my body, health, and life and to always remember that its a journey, one that where you have to MAKE YOURSELF!

My fitness journey started over a year ago, making gains and facing set backs, but I put it in overdrive this past 3 months after I entered a Total Body Transformation Challenge.  It was an amazing experience to learn not only better eating habits and workouts, but what my own strength and will power will do.  I was able to loose 20 lbs (making it a total of 50 since January 2012) and leaned down to 13% body fat.

How??  My secret??  It's something you may have heard of.... EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE!!

Sounds too easy, right.  Well, it's not.  Most people hear that and say they do that already and get no results.  The problem is we as a society have completely lost sight of what that really means to eat right and proper exercise and are blinded and confused by all of the conflicting information, new diets, and fad workouts, not to mention the the media showing supermodels eating junk food and people miraculously getting sexy toned bodies by their 30 minute workout they do once a week.

So very easily do we take our health for granted and forget that we actually have to actively work to keep, or get back, our health.  The old sayings 'nothing worth having ever comes free' is true for your health as well.  If you are concerned about your health (or maybe just want to look hot - both go hand in hand) you have to do your part.  It takes effort, discipline, and self control, but the good news:  anybody at any fitness level, size, or shape can do something to become healthier and more fit.  You just have to MAKE YOUR SELF!!

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