Monday, June 10, 2013

My transformation: the full story

I know most people who know me would say that I've always been small.  But those who are really close would admit that I've had weight issues for the past several years, even before my pregnancies.  And I also know that a lot of people see the before picture for my 12 Week Transformation Challenge and just roll their eyes saying, 'well, she's already thin'. 

I wanted people to be inspired by my transformation story and motivate them to improve their own health and fitness as well, but understand that some might not see it as very good motivation when I'm already starting out with a  'healthy' BMI or in size 6 jeans. 

But that wasn't where I started.  On January 1st 2012 I'd made a resolution to loose the baby weight and get my body back into shape.  By the beginning of the challenge I'd already lost 29 pounds (well, actually 34 lbs., but gained 5 lbs. after the holidays). 

After a year into my weight loss journey (and again that 5 lb. gain from the holidays) the Transformation Challenge was just what I needed to really kick my motivation into overdrive - mostly because of the money, but also to see what I could really do and how strong I really was.

I'd lost the most of my weight on my own in the first year, but the challenge taught me the importance of commitment, consistency, and discipline.  It gave me the education and understanding of how our bodies function and what they need and don't need to be at optimal health and fitness.

So no matter where you're starting point is, I don't care if you've just got those pesky 10 lbs. that won't go away or if you are severely obese, you can commit to change your life and transform your body to become a healthy, happier you.

It takes time, dedication, and discipline.  You might back slide, and you might fall, but as long as you get back up you'll get there!

I'm completely humiliated to post these, but if they are able to give that one person the motivation towards improving their health, then it's worth it.

January 2, 2012 


June 6, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Joanna,
    Thanks for taking the courage to share your experience. I gained 65 pounds with my first son and lost it all with Weight Watchers and walking. With my second son I wised up and only gained 35 pounds. However, do our bodies change or what?! I'm still trying to lose about 15 and as we age it gets tougher and tougher. Thanks for sharing your journey. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog!
