Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's talk about diet!

First of all, I hate the word diet. I do not diet, I eat right. Diet gives the implication that this is a short term fix instead of a lifestyle of healthy eating habits. The term diet also seems to have a negative conotation and makes you feel more deprived. Plus there are sooooo many different fad diets out there that are confusing, rediculous or just plain weird and that only help as long as you are following it 100%, though often leaves you back where you started a week after you finish.

I like the term 'clean eating'. It means that the foods you eat have very low, to no processing and are in their natural form. No added chemicals, sugars, or other foreign products; clean.

Becoming healthy and getting fit relies 80% on what you eat. It doesn't matter how many hours you spend in the gym or on the treadmill, real body transformations happen in the kitchen. Eating is about fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to survive and work efficiently. There are tons of clean foods out there that fuel your body to become energy efficient, faster metabolizing, fat melting, machines. However, there are 10 times that many foods that work to clog up your body's engines and slow you down, causing weight gain and can lead to numerous diseases. These foods are often easier to come by, cheaper, and even may trick you into thinking they are healthy, which is why they are consumed more than healthy foods, but they are not at all good for you.

Examples of Clean Foods v/s Unclean Foods

Whole Fruit
Whole Wheat Bread
Whole Wheat Pasta
Lean Proteins
Red Meats
Hot Dogs
Cheese Burgers
Brown Rice
Lunch Meat
Sugary Condiments
White Breads and Flours

So, I know what you're thinking, this clean eating thing sucks if I can't have any candy, cookies or pizza ever again. That's not exactly the case. You eat to fuel your body, but sometimes you need to reward your body as well. I like to eat by the 80/20 rule. Eat clean for 80% of the time and then give yourself 20% for a reward or cheat meal. So eat clean all throughout the week and allow 1-2 good 'cheat' meal somewhere in that week. Everybody has cravings and if you don't allow yourself to indulge a little then it could lead to a huge binge or quitting all together. The key is self control and discipline. Be smart about your 20% and don't take advantage of it, that could set you back or worse, reverse your progress.

Another great thing I've found is that you can make a healthier version of almost ANYTHING. I've found amazing recipies for cakes, cookies, brownies, even pizzas, wings, and cinnamon rolls. These are wonderful ways to kill that craving without the guilt = win/win!!

See my pages on Healthy Eating Habits, Menus, and Recipes for more info and look for more posts in the future about more healthy eating tips and advice, as well as new recipes.

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