Friday, April 19, 2013

Now let's talk about Exercise!!

After last night’s Birthday Celebration, it’s time to burn it back off.  And even with good eating, you still need to be sure to incorporate exercise into your regular routine.  Exercise is not only important for losing weight and sculpting a toned, sexy body, but it's also important for keeping your heart healthy, gaining strength and flexibility, and preventing injury.

There are numerous workout programs out there like yoga, cross fit, zumba, body building, piloxing and many more. Some I've tried, others I haven't, but have seen success from just about all of them when done consistently because it something other than sitting on the couch.
Different programs will give you different results, just depends on what type of results you are wanting. Despite the look, buff, toned, lean, or whatever your vision of hot is, you need both cardio and some form of strength training.
Cardio is great for weight loss, increasing endurance, and overall heart health.  It gets your heart rate up, gets you sweating, and melts the muffin tops.  The key is to push yourself, give yourself a challenge.  You’re not going to see any results if you only put in little effort, and no, walking around the mall doesn’t count.
My cardio time is my therapy time.  A time for me to either get on the treadmill with some good music or get outside in the fresh air and just clear my head.  And each time I get on the treadmill I challenge myself to make it more intense than the last run; increase speed, add an incline, or add 5 minutes to my time.  Changing it up will keep your body from plateauing and give you continued results.
A great way to incorporate both intensity and variation into your routine is High Intensity Interval Training – HIIT.  This is when you exercise at a high intensity (going as hard as you can) for a duration and then resting for a duration (may not be fully at rest, but slowing down to a pace to get rest and catch your breath).   
Ex:   Sprint 60 seconds, walk 60 seconds, sprint 60 seconds, walk 60 seconds – repeat
HIIT doesn’t have to be just running either.  Any exercise where you can perform intervals with very high and low intensities will be just as affective.  And HIIT is growing widely popular because it can be done in such a short time because of the high intensity.  Where you might dread the idea of cardio because it means an hour on the treadmill, HIIT will give you the same results in half the time and gives your metabolism an extra boost to keep burning calories longer after you’re done!
Get up, get out there and start sweating!  Find something you’ll love, something that will keep you motivated, and something that will get you results!

So, if cardio is what you do for maximum weight loss, then why strength train? 
Your body is covered in muscle; it’s what gives you the strength to get up, sit down, pick up stuff, run, play…anything.  Without that muscle you’ll be unable to perform daily tasks as efficiently and more susceptible to injury.  And despite how much weight you lose, without any muscle underneath your skin, you’ll still have some flabbiness and loosens. Gaining muscle also has great benefits in weight loss and control, helping to burn more calories faster and keeping your metabolism reved up longer.
Ladies, don’t think that if you do strength training or weight lifting that you’ll bulk up and look like this:

 Iris Kyle 2013 Arnold Classic Ms. International

This is done only through specific training and hormonal supplementation, where the average women will not be physically nor anatomically possible to get these results.
Strength training will, however, give you that fullness and sexy curviness everyone desires especially during bikini season.
Like I said before, there are so many different routines you can do to achieve the body type you want.  Some prefer muscle definition, others prefer more curves, and most just want to look like Victoria’s Secret models – all which are achieved through strength training.
I like muscle definition, so that’s what I worked for, but you can change your routine to focus on what body type you want or what part of the body may need extra work, but make sure you work every muscle group for symmetry and safety.  Use more weights, use less weight, use bands, just use something that will give your muscles a workout to tone and strengthen them.  And just like the cardio, make sure you’re pushing yourself and changing it up often to prevent plateaus.

Between both cardio and strength training the hardest exercises I’ve found are:

Getting up off the couch!

Putting down the remote!

Walking away from the fridge!

Check out my workout routines. Granted I was a bit ambitious for the challenge, but hey it was for $100K prize and it worked!  I'll also be adding more workouts as I find them or switch them up and keep an eye out for an upcoming post where I'll share some great time saver workouts, things for beginners, favorite DVD's, and other tips.  Or if you need any help finding or creating a workout for you, please contact me and I'll be happy to help.  So, find something you like, something that will work for you and MAKE YOURSELF!!


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