Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why even bother??

I've been in a bit of a funk lately.

I love living the healthy lifestyle and working out, but for some reason I started to ask myself why even bother?

Why do I get up early and put myself through long and grueling workouts?

Why do I restrict myself from all of the excess cookies and tasty butter foods?

I'm not planning on competing in any type of figure competition.  I don't have a beach trip anytime soon.   I don't have any races coming up.  I'm not helping train anyone or influencing anyone to live healthier.  Why do I have this obsession with health and fitness that sometimes makes me feel that no one understands or shares with me.  So why can't I just sit on the couch and my DQ blizzard??

Pity party for one, please.

I vented these feelings to my always understanding and comforting husband last night, who made me feel so much better and gave me plenty of reasons why.  So afterwards I thought I would make my own list of why I should bother.

  1. I do it for my children.  I want to live a long, healthy life and be around for my kids as long as possible.  
  2. To be able to keep up with my children.  I have two very active and wild toddlers that I want to be able to take on adventures, run across a field with, carry on my back, and do flips with on the trampoline.
  3. To instill good health habits in my children.
  4. To hopefully be an example to my family and friends.
  5. I like to live healthy for all of the energy it gives me.  When I have a bad day and eat too much I feel like a slug.
  6. Because it shows me how strong I am.  Not just physically, but mostly mentally.  I have willpower and discipline that I never though possible, which makes me feel more in control of my life.
  7. Consistent exercise helps my asthma and allergies.  Since I've made it a lifestyle I've had no issues with my asthma (even during cold weather races) nor do I have the severe allergy issues that used to be almost constant.
  8. I like a healthy lifestyle because it keeps me feeling better with age.  I feel better now than I did 10 years ago and I've already got a jump start on controlling and regulating those crazy female hormones that are going to start going crazy here in my 30's.
  9. To hopefully be the inspiration to at least one person to help make healthier choices.
  10. I do it because being fit is something that's always been a dream and a goal of mine.  I like to set the stakes high and I like to push myself to do what others rarely do.  I do it for me.

When I sit back and look at all of these important reasons on this list I remember why I started and know why I will continue.  :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Holiday Health Tips

It's here!!  The holiday season is fully upon us!!

Time for lots of turkey, casseroles, tators, and deserts - and most often time for our diets, willpower, and every bit of progress we've made to go out the window until January 1st, right?


It IS possible to take on the holidays without taking on the pounds that usually come with it... while still being able to enjoy yourself and some yummy indulgence at the same time.

The main key is MODERATION!  There will be a hand-full of days within the next month and a half that are going to tempt you with a huge amount of food and 98% of it will be bad!  My advice for those days - ENJOY YOURSELF!!  

Granted, don't go crazy and over-do it on those special occasions (see tips below), but know and understand that one day/meal is not going to derail your entire progress. 

That being said, it's all of the other days in between that are going to keep you on track.  Just because it is the holidays and every singe commercial is about food and every shelf is lined with Christmas cookies doesn't mean that we need to partake in the over-indulgence every single night.

Here are some tips to get you through the most tempting time of year:
  • Create a dinner menu for all days of the week (except for the holiday parties) to cook and prepare.  Try to keep the dinners clean, healthy, and balanced.  Clean, home cooked meals are way more healthy than anything store bought or from restaurants.  
  • Get in your exercises!!  This time of year is usually busier for most of us as well so its often harder to find anytime for exercise.  Try some HIIT exercises that are more intense, but can be done in a shorter amount of time.  Go for a run, practice yoga, throw some weights around, or try doing jumping jack and burpees throughout every commercial break.  Remember, exercising regularly will also help you keep your energy up and is highly therapeutic (which most of us need around the holidays after crazy Christmas shopping or stressful party planning).
  • Practice your willpower.  If you make cookies and goodies for others, refrain from eating them yourself, or reserve a small assortment to save for a cheat meal.
  • If you have a party coming up at the end of the week, try to eat as clean and healthy as you can throughout the week and let the party be your treat for staying strong and committed.
Special occasions and dinners:
  • Don't skip meals prior to the big dinner.  Continue to eat regularly throughout the day, making sure you eat soon after waking up to get you metabolism going.  Skipping meals is only going to slow you metabolism down, then it will want to store everything when you finally do eat.  And because you'll probably be starving by then, you'll over-eat.
  • Get a little bit of everything.  Portion control is important!  If there are a lot of options, just get a little of each one, or of what you like best.  Don't go crazy and make yourself sick.
  • Fill up on protein and veggies first, casseroles, potatoes, and breads last.
  • After you feel full or have finished your plate, give yourself a few minutes to sit and digest before going back for seconds.  If you rest for a few, it gives your brain time to catch up with your stomach and say "I'm full" before you start on round 2 and, again, get yourself sick.
  • Drink lots of water!  A couple benefits here.  Water will help you feel fuller faster, hopefully preventing you from eating too much.  Also, water is always the healthiest choice of beverage and since you're already taking in way too many calories and sugar it's a good healthier pick.
  • Even after eating all of the first course, its really hard to pass up the desserts.  Pick out one or two favorites and get enough for a couple bites.  Not a huge portion (remember, you're already full anyways) but just enough to enjoy the sweetness and ease the cravings.
Tips for after the big meals:
  • Go easy on the leftovers.  Again, go for the protein and veggies first.  I love turkey and even bake them randomly throughout the year because they are an excellent source of lean protein.  
  • Don't let your body get you down.  After eating a big meal (even just one) your body will bloat and retain water for several days, completely covering up any hard work you may have been doing to improve your waist line.  Don't worry!!  It's just water weight and it will come right back off in a couple of days, you didn't ruin everything - providing you're back on track.
  • The scales will lie to you the same way your mirror is.  Along with the water weight you'll see higher numbers on the scales for a few days.  Again, don't let it freak you out - or just do what I do and avoid the scales all together until 5-7 days after a treat dinner.
  • GET BACK ON TRACK!!  The very next day!!  Go back to eating clean and exercising regularly.  Don't wait till Monday or worse January!!  
It is possible to enjoy the holidays and come out unscathed and I'm going to make it a point to do so!!  MAKE YOUR SELF!!

Not This Year!!!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

MAKE (IT )YOURSELF: Healthy Tuna Salad & Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while.  Kids, school, and workouts have been keeping my schedule full.

But anyways, I wanted to share two new recipes I've been in love with here lately.  I was in a baked chicken rut for a while and needed something different for lunches.

Tuna is another great source of lean protein!  I was never much of a tuna fan until I started experimenting with it and using an oil and vinegar dressing instead of mayo (I love vinegar based recipes).  Now I've come up with the best tuna salad that is filling, healthy, and CHEAP!

Healthy Tuna Salad:

1 Tsp Olive Oil
1 Tsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp Venigar
1-2 Tbsp Chopped Carrots
1-2 Tbsp Chopped Celery
1-2 Tbsp  Chopped Onion
1 Can Chunk Light Tuna (packed in water)
1/4 Cup Cooked Quinoa
1 Cup Fresh Spinach

Mix sauces together in bowl, then add veggies, then mix in tuna.  Add Quinoa and spinach last.  enjoy!!

Another healthy snack favorite that I've found is Protein Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.  These are the perfect mid-afternoon snack to get me through to dinner.

Protein Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
3 Ripe Bananas
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein
2 Cups Old Fashioned Oats  (I actually also like 1 & 1/2 Cup oats and 1/2 cup Steel cut oats, too)
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Tsp Vanilla
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Raisins

Mix all ingredients together, drop by spoonful on parchment paper on cookie sheet.  bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.

*note there is no added sugar.  All naturally sweetened and clean!

Stay tuned.  I'll post some Holiday fit tips to help us stay on track through the holiday season!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Maintaining during the off season.

I absolutely love this time of year!  It is my favorite.  The cooler temperatures, beautiful colors, the leaves falling, jeans, boots, and sweaters, and of course football and hunting season.

But with the closing of the pools and beach season over and the there's usually little motivation to continue on a healthy diet and exercise program.  That plus getting started on a new routine for getting everybody back to school or work may take a lot of your focus on away from maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Personally my daily training is going to have to take a definite back seat to Graduate school and bow hunting season (hey, girls got to feed the fam!).

However, that does not mean stop training all together.  It just means I need to do a little more pre-planning.  Since this is technically the 'off season' I'm not worried about making any significant improvements or changes to my physique, I just want to maintain it.

Both strength training and cardio are still essential for maintaining, I'm just going to make them less intense.
My plan is to run 3-4 days a week.  I'll do most of my runs of the treadmill, but I always look forward to my weekend runs when I can take it outside.  I find it so refreshing and therapeutic running in the brisk, cool air through beds of fallen leaves and just taking in all of God's beautiful creations.

 I'll strength train 3 days a week, only using bands or kettle-bells instead of all my big heavy dumbbells and barbells.  Since I've dedicated nap times and after the kid's bedtime for school work, I need to wake up early and get my workouts in before the kids wake up.  This may still seem like a lot but really it's only 30-45 min out of your day, plus it will give you more energy and improve your overall health and could help you live longer.

And let's not forget about eating healthy.  Being the off season, it's easier to forget about watching what you consume.  This is the season for warm, homemade, comfort food.  I love making my own stews and casseroles for the cool evenings, however, there are very few that could be considered 'clean'.

On top of the comfort foods, there's Halloween right around the corner with candy pretty much jumping into your mouths, followed by Thanksgiving, and then it's Christmas.  If you're not careful that could be a lot of weight gained in just a few short months - believe me, it sneaks up on you way before you know it.

And don't get me wrong, I think you should enjoy those days and stuff your faces full.  What we don't want to happen is to eat like that every other day of the week.  Too many times we get so far off track that we just say 'screw it' and decide to quit our healthy lifestyle and wait until the New Year to start again.

DON'T WAIT!  You don't have to wait for a new year to start over, just wait for a new day!!

So maybe I'll munch a little more than what I've been allowing, and we'll probably even incorporate a yummy (unhealthy) casserole night each month, but I still plan to commit to 80/20 of clean eating.

Starting over is so hard, so don't quit.  Do what you can when you can, stay healthy, and MAKE YOURSELF!

*let me know if you would like me to post my new workout program for fall.
*I also plan to do a lot of experimenting with making clean, yummy comfort foods this fall and will post the recipes!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Making Healthy Choices

I recently read that researchers determine we make nearly 5,000 choices throughout the course of a day.

This morning I chose to not let the snooze go off several more times and got up for a morning run.  I chose the oat meal over the steel cut oats.  I chose whether or not to shave my legs and if I wanted to wear my hair straight or curly.  I chose what to wear and to look up my devotionals before looking up Facebook.

All this before the sun even came up.... so yeah, we make thousands of decisions throughout the day.

For the most part we make choices that will be beneficial for our well being.  We chose to go to work so we can get paid.  Then we chose what bills to pay and what we consider necessities or just wants.  We choose to put ourselves together and look presentable when we go out (usually).  We chose a compatible spouse and chose how we treat that spouse.  We choose what's best for our kids.

With all these good choices that better our lives, it's hard to believe how easy it is to forget to choose to be healthy.  In this area of life we too often choose comfort and convenience over what's really best for us.

We'd much rather sleep in or sit and watch that show in the evening than get in that 30 minutes of recommended exercise. 

We hit the drive thru or just go with frozen chicken nuggets (again) instead of preparing a healthy, balanced meal, which in reality could take less than 15 min.

... and yet we wonder why we can't loose weight, have high blood pressure, or feel exhausted all the time.

The choices we make determine our outcomes.  We can comprehend that choosing to spend too much money on a shopping trip means being a little tighter with the purse strings for a bit, or that giving our kids too much sugar will result in belly aches for them and headaches for you.  But we never want to hold ourselves accountable for some of the unhealthy decisions we make with our bodies.

Maybe it's because of all the crazy advertising for the latest and greatest fad diets and trends that have left so many people confused, unhappy and hungry or thinking that wrapping a velcro band around your waist will magically make you thin.  Or it's the false advertising labeling certain foods as 'health' foods when a lot of them still have tons of unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed chemicals that are harmful to the body, create disease and sickness, and makes you feel like crap!  Maybe people are choosing not to care thinking it's pointless to even try getting healthy or in shape, fearing their too far gone.

It is true what they say:

We innately are always looking to make things better and easier, so why not gain better health by making healthier choices.  It's really that easy. 

Choosing whole foods over processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables instead of boxed and packaged foods, choosing to look past the candy bar selection at the check out line, avoiding greasy fried foods, choosing salad or a grilled chicken option in the drive thru.

Anytime you choose a healthier option you are taking steps to better your life.

And lets not stop there. 

Make healthier choices by finding ways to become more physically active.  The more you use your body the better you will feel and the better it will function.

Don't always drive around to find the parking spot closest to the door, get out and walk.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Take a walk after dinner.  Choose a weekend activity with your family like hiking that will get you moving.  Don't just sit for an hour watching The Biggest Loser, get out there and start exercising yourself. 

Everyone can find 30 minutes sometime in their day to choose to do some physical activity.  Shorten the time you spend on Facebook or CandyCrush.  Go when you're show doesn't come on for another half hour instead of channel surfing the entire time or watching something you truly care nothing about.  Get out of bed early in the morning instead of just laying there waiting on your alarm clock to go off for the millionth time.  Think really hard - there's time.

With all the choices we are faced with throughout the day it's hard to always stay on track or make the right ones.  Just remember, though, that every choice you make for your body could either be helping it or hurting it, so practice being health conscious in your decision making. 

And I'm not saying there's no more cake, ever.  It's just like that shopping trip:  every once in a while you're going to spend way too much and have fun doing it, just don't do it often!!

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Sunday, July 14, 2013

In Serious Need of a Sugar Detox!!

A couple weeks ago I stated to feel sick.  My body just didn't feel right.  I was extremely exhausted and without energy.  My allergies were going crazy and I was sneezing all over the place.  I had a headache and sinus pressure all throughout the day. 

Something was up and my immune system was definitely down.

I didn't know what was going on.  Since I started my fitness journey my health has been amazing!  I rarely if ever get colds, my allergies hardly ever act up, and I usually have so much energy.  I haven't felt like this in a while.

I even took a pregnancy test;  that's how tired I was!!  Don't worry it was negative!!

Then my wonderfully observant husband made the comment, "Maybe because you've been eating like crap."


As much as I didn't want to admit that he was right... he was right.  It was the week of the 4th of July;  lots of picnics, eating out, pies, and ice cream.

Sure I said I wanted to enjoy my summer, but I was taught a huge lesson on over-doing-it. 

It is amazing what sugar does to the body.  The more I ate it, the more I craved it, despite the effects it was having on my body.  It's just like a drug!!  There have even been studies on how the chemicals and hormones in our brain trigger some of the same responses to sugars as it does with heroine and other drugs. 

So I decided I was in serious need of a sugar detox!!  I was not going to ingest any kind of artificial sugar for 5 days (mon-fri).  I have cut a lot of sugary foods out of my normal diet anyways, but I did still nibble on my dark chocolate and I would nibble on the kids' foods, like fruit snacks, nilla wafers, and teddy grahams.  Just the mindlessly munching on snacks left behind.  But for 5 days I was not going to let anything past my lips that contained sugar, aside from whole fresh fruit.

And let me tell you... it was hard, especially after the binge I'd had the week before!!

Monday was the easiest.  After dinner I thought about my dark chocolate, but I had the freshly motivated determination in my mind that got me through it.

Tuesday was a little harder.  I was doing ok with will power and determination and I wasn't experiencing any sinus problems, but I was a huge grump.

Wednesday I was exhausted!!  As soon as my husband got home from work I fell asleep on the couch with two kids jumping on top of me.

Thursday started getting better.  I felt my energy was renewed and my body felt great.  Cravings were still there, but I was doing good.  A short trip to Walmart and walking through the pastry section seemed suffocating, but knowing that I was going to be much healthier by passing it by made it easy.

Friday I was fine.  I felt great and looked even better!!   Just from getting the artificial stuff out I didn't have hardly any of the common bloat in my lower abdomen and my muscles showed more definition. 

This detox was amazing and gave me a renewed strength and boosted a slightly faded motivation.  Again, I'm usually very limited on the amount of sugars I consume, but this is the first time I totally removed EVERYTHING, and I loved it, how it made me feel, and how it healed my body that was going into sugar shock.  If you're in need of a new boost, or jump start, I encourage you to try cutting out the sugars.

Now, on Saturday we had a family picnic with a huge desert table, and you bet your bottom I had me some sugar.  But I didn't over consume and stuck mostly with the healthier brownies that I brought and shared my desert plate with my kiddos.  But that was my reward for doing well, and I enjoyed every minute of it.  After that, it's back to sugar free living... until my next reward.



Jacky Warner, This is Why You're Fat
Fitness Rx For Women

Monday, July 8, 2013

MAKE (IT) YOURSELF: Italian Shrimp & Pasta

Haven't posted a new recipe in while, sorry!  This one is actually already on my recipe page, but it's one of my favorites so I wanted to highlight it.  It has so many great flavors and textures and the shrimp brings good variety to the sometimes boring chicken or fish.  It's a bit heavy on carbs so be careful with portion sizes and make sure you use whole wheat pasta.

Italian Shrimp & Pasta:


1 medium bag cooked/peeled shrimp
1 1/2 (cooked) whole wheat angel hair pasta
1 C broccoli florets - fresh
1 small-medium red pepper, cut into 1 inch strips
1/3 C Lite Italian Dressing - divided


Cook pasta as directed.
Peel shrimp if needed and rinse.
Sauté shrimp, pepper, and broccoli in 2-3 tbls Italian dressing for 5-7 min.
After pasta is cooked and strained, pour in remaining Italian dressing and mix well.
Divide pasta out on plates and top with shrimp mixture.

Viola!!  A healthy Italian masterpiece in just minutes!!  Enjoy!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

My new summer goal: to not make any new summer goals!!

About a month ago announced a new 6 week summer challenge.  It was a challenge to go from 'good' to 'great'; to really bust your butt for 6 weeks during the summer to get ripped and look your best, plus, grand prize winner gets $10,000 and more prizes. 

I was ready to go.  You had a two week window to get prepared for the challenge before the actual start date.  I immediately started to strategically plan out the next 6 weeks on paper.  Designing a new workout routine, making menu plans that had every meal plus snacks mapped out, as well as complete back up plans... just in case.

I was going to win this one!!

However, the more I planned the more intense I got.  I looked at the calendar and focused on all the upcoming events:  camping trip, birthday party, family cookout, work picnic, 4th of July, and anniversary.  I could do it.  Those would be my cheat days.

I started doing morning cardio and got a jump start on my new strength training routine.  Even designed a more elaborate menu plan that had me carb cycling so that my cheat days wouldn't affect me as much.  I had every day, every hour planned to make sure I would completely dominate this challenge.

The official start date was June 17 and I got up and didn't have the urge to do anything.  I had already stressed myself out enough in just the planning and preparing that I was already burnt out.  Then I thought:  what is this for?  I'd already been asked the question if it was for the transformation or for the money and I immediately had the response:  for the money.  I was very happy with my body and health.  Sure I definitely still have some trouble spots that need work, don't yet have my 6-pack abs, and still need a lot of discipline in the kitchen, but overall, I was more than happy with me.

It is so easy to get obsessed with you fitness goals that it takes over your entire life.  And some people can handle that and make it a top priority.  I myself can't let that happen.

I didn't want to completely waste my entire summer stressing over some challenge that boiled down to a final picture and the very, very small chance that I might win some money.  I decided there that I was going to enjoy my summer, enjoy my family, and enjoy some good food.

Does that mean I'm going to completely let myself go for the next 2 months - shoot no!!  I'm going to continue to practice living a healthy lifestyle because that's what it is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or super intense regimen to get ready for one single event.  I am still going to exercise regularly and work on those trouble spots.  I am still going to eat a healthy diet 80-90% of the time (well, maybe even 60% sometimes).

But what I'm not going to do is freak out over missing a workout because I'd rather have a little extra snuggle time with my babies or because I stayed up too late the night before watching movies with my husband.  I'm not going to obsess over everything I eat, or get anxiety from a picnic that offers nothing but horrible carbs and fats.  I'm not going to go camping and not eat Smores, or not go all out for my anniversary. 

It's good to have goals.  They can motivate us to get to the next level or push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.  Goals are what keeps us on track for who or what we want to become, so it's very important that your goals reflect that and don't turn you into something else.

My goal is to not make any goals, but just to live a healthy life and enjoy my summer.  Does that mean I'm not going to get that 6-pack I am so close to achieving?  Maybe...  but maybe not.

Monday, June 10, 2013

My transformation: the full story

I know most people who know me would say that I've always been small.  But those who are really close would admit that I've had weight issues for the past several years, even before my pregnancies.  And I also know that a lot of people see the before picture for my 12 Week Transformation Challenge and just roll their eyes saying, 'well, she's already thin'. 

I wanted people to be inspired by my transformation story and motivate them to improve their own health and fitness as well, but understand that some might not see it as very good motivation when I'm already starting out with a  'healthy' BMI or in size 6 jeans. 

But that wasn't where I started.  On January 1st 2012 I'd made a resolution to loose the baby weight and get my body back into shape.  By the beginning of the challenge I'd already lost 29 pounds (well, actually 34 lbs., but gained 5 lbs. after the holidays). 

After a year into my weight loss journey (and again that 5 lb. gain from the holidays) the Transformation Challenge was just what I needed to really kick my motivation into overdrive - mostly because of the money, but also to see what I could really do and how strong I really was.

I'd lost the most of my weight on my own in the first year, but the challenge taught me the importance of commitment, consistency, and discipline.  It gave me the education and understanding of how our bodies function and what they need and don't need to be at optimal health and fitness.

So no matter where you're starting point is, I don't care if you've just got those pesky 10 lbs. that won't go away or if you are severely obese, you can commit to change your life and transform your body to become a healthy, happier you.

It takes time, dedication, and discipline.  You might back slide, and you might fall, but as long as you get back up you'll get there!

I'm completely humiliated to post these, but if they are able to give that one person the motivation towards improving their health, then it's worth it.

January 2, 2012 


June 6, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

MAKE (IT) YOURSELF: Late Night Snack Attack!!

I recently switched the times of my daily workouts from the evenings to the mornings, mostly because with this nice weather I'd much rather be chilling on these evenings than exercising.  I've actually been wanting to switch my daily routine around for a while, I've just been nervous about doing it because I know I have a serious problem with the Late Night Munchies!!

If I've done a good workout in the evening, then I'm pretty guaranteed to eat my normal pre and post workout meals and not a bag of cookies.  Now that I'm not working out in the evenings I'm tempted by the allure of something sweet or chocolaty.

However, I have found a couple awesome fixes.  It's always good to eat a small meal before bed, especially if its been over 3 hours since your dinner, and of course your meal should be a combination of a protein and carb or even a maybe a little healthy fat.  So here are some of my new favorite late night snacks that hits the sweet tooth and gets rid of any other bad cravings.

Fruit and Yogurt Parfait

McDonald's doesn't have anything on this!!  It is amazing, and even without any chocolate, the yogurt and fruit make it sweet enough to curb my cravings.

1 5oz non-fat Greek Yogurt
1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein
3 Tbsp Oatmeal
3-4 Strawberries, thinly sliced
1/4 c Blueberries

In a bowl mix yogurt and whey protein.  Then layer in a cup: yogurt mix, 1 tbsp. oatmeal, and a layer of strawberries and blueberries.  Keep layering until all is gone.

Frozen Chocolate - Peanut Butter Bowl

You can make this to be like a cake or brownie or I like to leave mine a bit gooey and then put it in the freezer for about an hour so it's more like ice cream!

1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp. coconut flour
1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
1 egg white
1 packet truvia
1/4 tsp baking powder
small dash of salt
1/4 c unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp. natural peanut butter

Mix everything except Peanut butter in a bowl.  Spray another bowl with no stick spray and pour mixture into that bowl.  Cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 30 seconds.  Top with peanut butter and let melt into the chocolate.  Re-cover and microwave for 10 more seconds.

Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bowl

One of my all time favorites!

1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein
1 tsp honey
2 tsp dark chocolate chips
2 tsp raisins
1/4 c oats
1 tbsp. unsweetened almond milk

Mix first 6 ingredients in a bowl.  Then mix in milk.  I like to put mine in the freezer for a while so it's cold and a bit crunchy!

Protein PB & J Yogurt Bowl

This was one of those awesome creations when I didn't have any of my normal stuff so I just started throwing random stuff in a bowl and it turn out amazing!

1 5oz Chobani non-fat Greek Yogurt - Plain
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
1/2 tbsp. grape jelly - sugar free preferably
1/4 c oats

Mix everything in a bowl.  It's that simple. 

Almond Butter and Honey Rice Cakes

This is a simple, but great recipe and what I go to if I'm in a hurry and don't want to mix up a bunch of stuff or need something lighter.

1 or 2 Plain Rice Cakes
Natural Almond Butter

Spread about 1 tsp almond butter on each rice cake, then top with 1/2 tsp honey.

All of these recipes are 1 serving portions, which is why they work so well for me because if I had more, I'd eat more!!  But now I am able to satisfy my late night sweet tooth without the guilt!

Recipes were modified from original recipes from:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Can I call "do-over"....again.

So you had the motivation, got a great start, started seeing some changes, then lost it.  Or maybe you do great Monday thru Friday, eating right and exercising, though you gorge so much Saturday and Sunday you feel like you're starting all over every single Monday.

Guess what??  THAT HAPPENS!!!

Maintaining good health and fitness is not easy, by no means.  It means doing everything the hard way, saying no to the things you really want and making yourself do things you'd really rather not do. 

And sometimes you slip, sometimes even fall completely... and that's ok, as long as you get back up!

Start over.  Even if you feel like you're starting over every Monday, or everyday, just keep starting over.  Try again.  Pick up right where you left off.  Don't let yourself get too discouraged or too far off the wagon to get back into it.  But don't wait until next Monday if you messed up your diet on Wednesday, don't say you'll start again next month, and certainly don't just wait until the next New Year.  The quicker you catch yourself the easier it is to recover. 

The best thing you can do is find a balance.  Being fit and healthy doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself from the things you love to enjoy.  And you should not have to feel guilty about enjoying them either. 

Try to maintain eating healthy and working out on a normal basis, but don't freak out if something might interfere.  Enjoy that family BBQ, girls night, or the hot dogs and smores on that camping trip.  Practice moderation.  If you have been eating clean all week and go to that birthday party on Saturday, don't give in to eating the whole cake (because the desire will be there).  Enjoy a piece or two.  If you have several things during the week or weekend that you know you'll splurge at, try to keep the rest of your meals very healthy.

There's no since in making the best of your health and fitness if you can't enjoys some of the simple pleasures in life.

Don't get down because the scale has stopped going down or you just can't seem to stop eating the kid's m&m's.  Remember that life happens.  Stop what you are doing, reassess your goals, and start again.  Everyday is a new day to MAKE YOURSELF!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Summer Workout Program

I can't believe how close summer is.  Maybe because it's freakishly cool here and doesn't feel at all like spring.  But regardless, it will be hot soon and we will be breaking out the shorts, tanks, and swimsuits.  Time to tone up!!

Here's a new program that I've come up with that covers all the muscle groups that includes some of Natalia Melo and India Paulino, IFBB Bikini Pro's, favorite moves  and gives a little extra focus on a couple key areas:  Abs and Butt

Try this workout out.  Keep up with the program for 4-8 weeks.  Be sure to add in 3-6 days of cardio, incorporating both steady state and HIIT for better fat burn and heart health. 

Monday:  Chest & Abs

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Wide Push-Ups
 15 reps
Incline Press
 15 reps
Lying Bench Press
 15 reps
Circuit 2
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
30 reps
20 reps
Reverse Crunches
15 reps
Circuit 3
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
Flutter Kicks
40 reps
Leg Raise
20 reps
Hold Legs Straight Out
40-60 sec

Tuesday:  Legs
Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Sumo Squats
15 reps
Straight Leg Dead Lift
15 reps
Jump Squats
20 reps
High Knees
1 minute
Circuit 2
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Reverse Lunge
15 reps
Split Squats
12 reps each leg
Jump Lunges
20 each leg
Butt Kicks
1 minute
Circuit 3
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Static Lunges
12 each leg
Standing Calf Raise
15 reps
Box Jumps
20 reps
Speed Run in Place
1 minute

Wednesday:  Back, Biceps, and Core

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Pull Downs
15 reps
Preacher Curls
15 reps
Dumbbell Wood Chop
20 reps
Circuit 2
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Bent Over Rows
15 reps
Concentration Curls
12 reps each arm
Rotating Planks
20 each side
Circuit 3
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Underhand Pull Downs
15 reps
Outer Bicep Curls
15 reps
Bicycle Crunches
20 reps
Circuit 4
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Seated Back Fly
15 reps
Cable Bicep Curls
15 reps
Standing Side Crunch
30 reps (each side)

Thursday:  Glutes
Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Stability Ball Single Leg Raise
15 reps each leg
Dumbbell Crisscross Lunge
15 reps each leg
Incline Bench Leg Raise
15 reps
Standing Ball Curl
15 reps each leg
Single Leg Wall Press
15 reps each leg
Bench Butt Bridge
15 reps
Single Leg Bench ‘Get Ups’
15 each leg

Friday:  Shoulders, Triceps, and Abs

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Cable Front Raise
 15 reps
Standing Triceps Extension
 15 reps
Circuit 2
3 sets
Lateral Side Raise
15 reps
Tricep Pull Down
15 reps
Circuit 3
Seated Arnold Press
15 reps
Triceps Kickbacks
15 each arm
Circuit 4
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Rear Delt Cable Rows
15 reps
Chair Dips
15 reps
Circuit 5
30 reps
20 reps
Reverse Crunches
15 reps
Circuit 6
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
Flutter Kicks
40 reps
Leg Raise
20 reps
Hold Legs Straight Out
40-60 seconds

I know it may seem like a lot but it should only take about 35-45 minutes.

And remember, none of this will do a thing unless you're eating right!!  You can build all kinds of sexy muscle underneath, but if you're still junking it up in the kitchen there's still going to be a fluffy layer of fat over top it.

I'm working on a quick reference pic tab to show most of the workouts.  Should have it done soon, but in the mean time if you need help with a move you can contact me or find it on for proper form.
