Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why even bother??

I've been in a bit of a funk lately.

I love living the healthy lifestyle and working out, but for some reason I started to ask myself why even bother?

Why do I get up early and put myself through long and grueling workouts?

Why do I restrict myself from all of the excess cookies and tasty butter foods?

I'm not planning on competing in any type of figure competition.  I don't have a beach trip anytime soon.   I don't have any races coming up.  I'm not helping train anyone or influencing anyone to live healthier.  Why do I have this obsession with health and fitness that sometimes makes me feel that no one understands or shares with me.  So why can't I just sit on the couch and my DQ blizzard??

Pity party for one, please.

I vented these feelings to my always understanding and comforting husband last night, who made me feel so much better and gave me plenty of reasons why.  So afterwards I thought I would make my own list of why I should bother.

  1. I do it for my children.  I want to live a long, healthy life and be around for my kids as long as possible.  
  2. To be able to keep up with my children.  I have two very active and wild toddlers that I want to be able to take on adventures, run across a field with, carry on my back, and do flips with on the trampoline.
  3. To instill good health habits in my children.
  4. To hopefully be an example to my family and friends.
  5. I like to live healthy for all of the energy it gives me.  When I have a bad day and eat too much I feel like a slug.
  6. Because it shows me how strong I am.  Not just physically, but mostly mentally.  I have willpower and discipline that I never though possible, which makes me feel more in control of my life.
  7. Consistent exercise helps my asthma and allergies.  Since I've made it a lifestyle I've had no issues with my asthma (even during cold weather races) nor do I have the severe allergy issues that used to be almost constant.
  8. I like a healthy lifestyle because it keeps me feeling better with age.  I feel better now than I did 10 years ago and I've already got a jump start on controlling and regulating those crazy female hormones that are going to start going crazy here in my 30's.
  9. To hopefully be the inspiration to at least one person to help make healthier choices.
  10. I do it because being fit is something that's always been a dream and a goal of mine.  I like to set the stakes high and I like to push myself to do what others rarely do.  I do it for me.

When I sit back and look at all of these important reasons on this list I remember why I started and know why I will continue.  :)

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