Monday, July 1, 2013

My new summer goal: to not make any new summer goals!!

About a month ago announced a new 6 week summer challenge.  It was a challenge to go from 'good' to 'great'; to really bust your butt for 6 weeks during the summer to get ripped and look your best, plus, grand prize winner gets $10,000 and more prizes. 

I was ready to go.  You had a two week window to get prepared for the challenge before the actual start date.  I immediately started to strategically plan out the next 6 weeks on paper.  Designing a new workout routine, making menu plans that had every meal plus snacks mapped out, as well as complete back up plans... just in case.

I was going to win this one!!

However, the more I planned the more intense I got.  I looked at the calendar and focused on all the upcoming events:  camping trip, birthday party, family cookout, work picnic, 4th of July, and anniversary.  I could do it.  Those would be my cheat days.

I started doing morning cardio and got a jump start on my new strength training routine.  Even designed a more elaborate menu plan that had me carb cycling so that my cheat days wouldn't affect me as much.  I had every day, every hour planned to make sure I would completely dominate this challenge.

The official start date was June 17 and I got up and didn't have the urge to do anything.  I had already stressed myself out enough in just the planning and preparing that I was already burnt out.  Then I thought:  what is this for?  I'd already been asked the question if it was for the transformation or for the money and I immediately had the response:  for the money.  I was very happy with my body and health.  Sure I definitely still have some trouble spots that need work, don't yet have my 6-pack abs, and still need a lot of discipline in the kitchen, but overall, I was more than happy with me.

It is so easy to get obsessed with you fitness goals that it takes over your entire life.  And some people can handle that and make it a top priority.  I myself can't let that happen.

I didn't want to completely waste my entire summer stressing over some challenge that boiled down to a final picture and the very, very small chance that I might win some money.  I decided there that I was going to enjoy my summer, enjoy my family, and enjoy some good food.

Does that mean I'm going to completely let myself go for the next 2 months - shoot no!!  I'm going to continue to practice living a healthy lifestyle because that's what it is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or super intense regimen to get ready for one single event.  I am still going to exercise regularly and work on those trouble spots.  I am still going to eat a healthy diet 80-90% of the time (well, maybe even 60% sometimes).

But what I'm not going to do is freak out over missing a workout because I'd rather have a little extra snuggle time with my babies or because I stayed up too late the night before watching movies with my husband.  I'm not going to obsess over everything I eat, or get anxiety from a picnic that offers nothing but horrible carbs and fats.  I'm not going to go camping and not eat Smores, or not go all out for my anniversary. 

It's good to have goals.  They can motivate us to get to the next level or push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.  Goals are what keeps us on track for who or what we want to become, so it's very important that your goals reflect that and don't turn you into something else.

My goal is to not make any goals, but just to live a healthy life and enjoy my summer.  Does that mean I'm not going to get that 6-pack I am so close to achieving?  Maybe...  but maybe not.

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