Sunday, February 9, 2014

Challenge Update

Wow, four weeks have gone by super fast.  I am incredibly sorry that I haven't given any updates yet, but the challenge start date coincided with the start date of what I hope is the most stressful grad school class ever!!  Then my daughter seriously injured her arm (thankfully not broken), which led to multiple doctors visits and an incredibly stressful week of keeping an active 2 year old from completely breaking it.  Then there's taxes and planning for my son's birthday party, yada yada yada, I've been super busy!!

So, just a brief recap of the first four weeks of the challenge.  The first three I've done super good.  With all of the stress from school I managed to stick with my diet and never missed an exercise.  I did have a couple cheat meals here and there, some planned, others not so much.  But the important thing is to pick right back up eating clean on the next meal.  Carb cycling has been fun, I can see progress and changes in my weight, but I will say that it is difficult to add more carbs without adding too many more calories.

Now, I have to admit that this past week was not so good.  I have been drained completely, I had to take an unplanned day of complete rest, and have eaten horribly the past couple of days.  Ok, let not completely horribly, but definitely not good.  (anything to make myself feel better)

But tomorrow is the start of a new week and a chance to prove to myself how strong I am.

I'll still be doing the same workout routine, but I'll be performing all exercises on each day as huge circuits, instead of super-sets, to keep the intensity and my heart rate up.

I don't 'track' my meals or calories, but I think I'll start writing down everything I eat again.  That's something I did in the last transformation that really helped and held me accountable to what I was putting in my body.  I also like to have a calendar and put a check for good days or an X for bad days to keep me in line (nobody likes to see a page full of X's).  I will also continue carb cycling throughout the next 4 weeks, and try not to screw up as bad.  And with this weekend being Valentine's Day and my son's birthday it will be a true test of strength.  I'll get through Valentine's Day ok, but I will eat some birthday cake!

I'll post my beginning challenge pictures and current progress pics later this week with my stats.

Hope everyone is doing good and keeping up with the challenge.  If you've slipped up or stalled out completely, get up and get back on it!!  MAKE YOURSELF!!

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