Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Can I call "do-over"....again.

So you had the motivation, got a great start, started seeing some changes, then lost it.  Or maybe you do great Monday thru Friday, eating right and exercising, though you gorge so much Saturday and Sunday you feel like you're starting all over every single Monday.

Guess what??  THAT HAPPENS!!!

Maintaining good health and fitness is not easy, by no means.  It means doing everything the hard way, saying no to the things you really want and making yourself do things you'd really rather not do. 

And sometimes you slip, sometimes even fall completely... and that's ok, as long as you get back up!

Start over.  Even if you feel like you're starting over every Monday, or everyday, just keep starting over.  Try again.  Pick up right where you left off.  Don't let yourself get too discouraged or too far off the wagon to get back into it.  But don't wait until next Monday if you messed up your diet on Wednesday, don't say you'll start again next month, and certainly don't just wait until the next New Year.  The quicker you catch yourself the easier it is to recover. 

The best thing you can do is find a balance.  Being fit and healthy doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself from the things you love to enjoy.  And you should not have to feel guilty about enjoying them either. 

Try to maintain eating healthy and working out on a normal basis, but don't freak out if something might interfere.  Enjoy that family BBQ, girls night, or the hot dogs and smores on that camping trip.  Practice moderation.  If you have been eating clean all week and go to that birthday party on Saturday, don't give in to eating the whole cake (because the desire will be there).  Enjoy a piece or two.  If you have several things during the week or weekend that you know you'll splurge at, try to keep the rest of your meals very healthy.

There's no since in making the best of your health and fitness if you can't enjoys some of the simple pleasures in life.

Don't get down because the scale has stopped going down or you just can't seem to stop eating the kid's m&m's.  Remember that life happens.  Stop what you are doing, reassess your goals, and start again.  Everyday is a new day to MAKE YOURSELF!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Summer Workout Program

I can't believe how close summer is.  Maybe because it's freakishly cool here and doesn't feel at all like spring.  But regardless, it will be hot soon and we will be breaking out the shorts, tanks, and swimsuits.  Time to tone up!!

Here's a new program that I've come up with that covers all the muscle groups that includes some of Natalia Melo and India Paulino, IFBB Bikini Pro's, favorite moves  and gives a little extra focus on a couple key areas:  Abs and Butt

Try this workout out.  Keep up with the program for 4-8 weeks.  Be sure to add in 3-6 days of cardio, incorporating both steady state and HIIT for better fat burn and heart health. 

Monday:  Chest & Abs

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Wide Push-Ups
 15 reps
Incline Press
 15 reps
Lying Bench Press
 15 reps
Circuit 2
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
30 reps
20 reps
Reverse Crunches
15 reps
Circuit 3
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
Flutter Kicks
40 reps
Leg Raise
20 reps
Hold Legs Straight Out
40-60 sec

Tuesday:  Legs
Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Sumo Squats
15 reps
Straight Leg Dead Lift
15 reps
Jump Squats
20 reps
High Knees
1 minute
Circuit 2
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Reverse Lunge
15 reps
Split Squats
12 reps each leg
Jump Lunges
20 each leg
Butt Kicks
1 minute
Circuit 3
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Weighted Static Lunges
12 each leg
Standing Calf Raise
15 reps
Box Jumps
20 reps
Speed Run in Place
1 minute

Wednesday:  Back, Biceps, and Core

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Pull Downs
15 reps
Preacher Curls
15 reps
Dumbbell Wood Chop
20 reps
Circuit 2
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Bent Over Rows
15 reps
Concentration Curls
12 reps each arm
Rotating Planks
20 each side
Circuit 3
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Underhand Pull Downs
15 reps
Outer Bicep Curls
15 reps
Bicycle Crunches
20 reps
Circuit 4
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Seated Back Fly
15 reps
Cable Bicep Curls
15 reps
Standing Side Crunch
30 reps (each side)

Thursday:  Glutes
Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Stability Ball Single Leg Raise
15 reps each leg
Dumbbell Crisscross Lunge
15 reps each leg
Incline Bench Leg Raise
15 reps
Standing Ball Curl
15 reps each leg
Single Leg Wall Press
15 reps each leg
Bench Butt Bridge
15 reps
Single Leg Bench ‘Get Ups’
15 each leg

Friday:  Shoulders, Triceps, and Abs

Circuit 1
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Cable Front Raise
 15 reps
Standing Triceps Extension
 15 reps
Circuit 2
3 sets
Lateral Side Raise
15 reps
Tricep Pull Down
15 reps
Circuit 3
Seated Arnold Press
15 reps
Triceps Kickbacks
15 each arm
Circuit 4
3 sets
60-90 seconds
Rear Delt Cable Rows
15 reps
Chair Dips
15 reps
Circuit 5
30 reps
20 reps
Reverse Crunches
15 reps
Circuit 6
3-4 sets
60-90 seconds
Flutter Kicks
40 reps
Leg Raise
20 reps
Hold Legs Straight Out
40-60 seconds

I know it may seem like a lot but it should only take about 35-45 minutes.

And remember, none of this will do a thing unless you're eating right!!  You can build all kinds of sexy muscle underneath, but if you're still junking it up in the kitchen there's still going to be a fluffy layer of fat over top it.

I'm working on a quick reference pic tab to show most of the workouts.  Should have it done soon, but in the mean time if you need help with a move you can contact me or find it on BodyBuilding.com for proper form.
