Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Setting Your Sights

How many people go through the same motions every January 1st:  make a resolution that you're going to start exercising and getting in shape, start strong, and find yourself sitting on the couch by week 3.  It is easy to say we are going to make a change, but way easier to not and slip back into our usual routines.

Setting goals and rewards for yourself can be very beneficial to keeping on track and seeing better results.  Find something to work towards; an event, wedding or party, or maybe an upcoming race.  Or just set up your own personal goals; be able to do so many push ups or run so many miles by a certain date.  Another great trick is to set a date every several months to take progress photos (which are the best motivators and the best way to view progress).  If you know you'll be taking progress pics in the next month, you might be motivated to push harder.

Here are some tips for creating goals that will keep your resolutions going strong.
  • Start small so you'll be able to see the finish line.  One year is too far away.  You can't see the finish line, making it seem too far away that makes it easier to loose your motivation.  If you shorten your goal length to 2-3 months you'll be more likely to finish strong.
  • Make reasonable goals.  If you had initially planned on loosing 30lbs this year, but just read that you shouldn't make your goals an entire years length, don't make your new goal to loose 30 lbs in 2-3 months.  Break it down so that it is achievable by the plan you choose. 
  • Be realistic.  If you're not much of a runner, don't plan on running a marathon within 3 months.  Start small with a 5k or 10k.  Again, make sure its something that is realistic or else you could get so discouraged from the difficulty that you'll give up all together. 
  • Push yourself.  If you are wanting to see a change, you have to do things you didn't regularly do.  Show yourself how strong you are.  Constantly be pushing yourself with greater intensity, more weights, faster times, etc.  And don't be afraid to try new things.
  • Always be aware of your goals.  Put up little reminders everywhere for motivation.  Circle it on the calendar, but a picture on the fridge, anything that will remind you of your goal so you will be less likely to let it 'slip your mind' and wind up on the couch again, forgetting what you're supposed to be doing.
  • Reward yourself.  If you succeeded and achieved your goal, treat yourself.  If you've been eating clean for a long time, treat yourself to a celebration dinner (or desert).  Or maybe a day at the spa, a mini-vacation, or a shopping trip (depending on your goal, you'll probably need new clothes).  Find something that will make you feel rewarded for your excellent progress - if the great personal satisfaction and pride isn't enough.
So, you worked so hard, ran that race, strutted your stuff at the wedding, or rocked that bikini on your beach vacation... now what?  Make a new goal.  Even if there's nothing special coming up, create your own goal, set a date and work hard to get there.  Don't just wait till next year.  Keep going and MAKE YOURSELF!!

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