Thursday, April 10, 2014

Another Transformation Challenge Complete!

I gained so much from this year’s transformation challenge!  “What transformation?” you may ask.  I know, I didn't make nearly as significant a transformation as last year, mostly because I didn't have to.  But this year I was able to gain a little muscle and a lot of perspective.  I had to really think about why I wanted to do this challenge again, and how I wanted to execute it.  I reflected on what I did last year to get in the best shape of my life, and decided I needed to do things completely different.  

You see, last year I followed all the tips and tricks in the programs.  I tracked everything with my food and workouts, cheated very rarely, cut carbs significantly towards the end and added an extra cardio session.  My body was transforming daily and I ended up with an amazing figure….that lasted a couple days.  Once I gradually added my normal amount of carbs back in and got back to my normal daily workout routine, my body didn't
look as lean anymore.  And I had a hard time with this. 

So this year I decided to really think about what my goals are to make a program that best reflected them.  And here’s what I came up this:  1) I want to be healthy and fit.  2) I want to be a healthy influence for my children, family, and friends.  3) I want to be hot for my husband (who loves me regardless, but I think the best husband in the world deserves a hot wife).  4) I want to find balance with living a healthy lifestyle and everyday life.

I also decided to take a look at what some of my goals weren't, which really helped me gain perspective on how I train, eat, and mentally approach fitness.  I do not compete.   I have no plans on competing.  I completely admire all competitors and look to them for information and motivation, however, it is something I personally am not interested in doing.  I am not foreseeing any sponsorships or photo-shoots in the near future.  

I am a mom, a housewife, and a grad student.  I have a whole lot going on that takes up a lot of my time and priorities.  There are days when my kids wake up early and my normal 60 rest between sets
turns into several minutes to take care of potty time and get them some milk.  There are times I can’t eat within the recommended time frame that best supports metabolism and muscle growth.  And there are many days when my family wants to treat ourselves to some pizza and froyo.  

So mentally being aware that my training doesn't have to be like the professionals puts me at ease.  I still get up every morning and train hard. I eat clean, healthy meals 80-90% of the time.  But I don’t stress out when I miss an entire set because my kids have an early doctor’s appointment, or my 2 year old wants to feed me Teddy Grahams.  And I've found such peace and happiness in this mentality!

So this time around, I just went about my normal daily routines.  I ate
good, clean meals the majority of the time.  I had cheat meals often.  I tried to keep up with daily workouts and adjusted them regularly. I haven't tracked anything in a year, and I think I've gotten on the scale 3 times in the past 3 months.  I decided I didn't want to end this transformation with a body that only lasts a few days, I ended it with one I will maintain with this routine and continue to improve on daily. 

I had someone complement my physique several weeks ago and asked if I competed and then asked why I trained so hard when I told her I didn't.  I do this for me.  My workout time is my me time, my therapy, and my escape.  It’s something I can work hard for and see results.  I also do this for my family.  I want to always be able to keep up with my two energetic toddlers and always be able to pick them up when they fall, no matter how big they get.  And I want to be an inspiration to the average person out
there who wants to live healthy and achieve a toned body.  I don’t have a trainer.  I don’t even have a gym.  My home gym consists of a treadmill that came from Walmart, an assortment of weights, and a fold-able bench that fits in my coat closet behind the vacuum cleaner.  

Having the body of your dreams doesn't have to be just for those looking to get on the stage or in a magazine.  And you don’t have to have the best to attain it; you just have to give it your best.  Anyone can do it!!

Thank you Dymatize and for another amazing transformation challenge!