Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Last Stretch of the Challenge

So we are finally in the last two weeks of the challenge.  This is what they call 'peak week.'  This is crunch time, time to get serious and make it count.

There are a number of things that people do to prepare for the end of a challenge and the final progress photos.  Some people cut down on calories, carbs, add extra cardio, or even go to crazy extremes to deplete their body of water or fluid retention.

Some methods of peak week are completely healthy, some are very dangerous, but most all can assist in leaning your body out for an awesome final photo.

The problem here is what happens after the final pics and the challenge is over?  If you drastically change your routines, diets, and completely manipulate your body during peak week, what do you think will happen that very next day when you go back to your regular schedule, or even worse (and often times) off the diet and workout schedule all together?

As soon as you start adding back in all of the extra calories, especially if you're going to give yourself a huge cheat meal reward or stop being conscious of what you eat, and  performing less intense workouts there's a good chance your body is going to add back weight fast.  You can also put yourself at risk for metabolic breakdown, in which your metabolism is going to slow down and not efficiently burn fat.

Again, some methods of peak week are completely healthy and doable and will give you amazing results.  Just know that as soon as you stop this routine, your body will adjust as well, meaning that you will not maintain that 'final photo' physique forever.  

This is a lesson I learned first hand after last year's challenge.  I cut out most all carbs and added extra cardio and got into the leanest shape of my life... for a few days.

This year I have made a plan to do it differently.  I will not change my diet or routine.  I will continue with what I am doing, eat all of my normal meals, do my normal routines without adding anything crazy, and try my hardest not to get Sweet Frog for the next two weeks (but no promises).

I don't want my final result to be something that only lasts a short time.  I think it was this point last year when I really learned what it meant to make it a lifestyle.  I don't want a tight, toned body for one day, I want one for life!

And I can definitely tell you that it will not be as lean as it could be through peak week modifications, but it will be the real me.  It will show what I work hard for every day.  It will show my dedication and commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  And I know that it will continue to get better and better everyday!

I hope everyone is working hard to transform to their best selves and really hope to hear some great transformation stories!!  MAKE YOURSELF!!

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